Exhibitor Application
Adelante Mujer Latina Conference Resource Fair
Saturday May 2, 2020: Resource Fair - 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Set up for exhibitors begins at 12:00pm
To participate, the cost structure is reasonable:
∙ $25 - community, non-profit, and student organizations
∙ $50 - educational institutions
∙ $100 - corporations
Educational Institutions must be Accredited by the Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) or by the Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC).
Sponsors are provided an exhibitor table at no charge. If you or your organization would like to be a sponsor, please complete our sponorship application.
If your organization would like to present a workshop, please apply using our presenter application.
Exhibitor Application Instructions
Complete the application form.
Once you ‘Submit’ your application, our on-line payment option will become available. Please note the Paypal processing fee is added to on-line payments.
If you choose to pay by check, make payable to:
Adelante Youth Alliance:
805 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena, CA 91104
Payments are due by April 2, 2020
Due to space limitations, not all applications are accepted. If you are exhibiting for the first time and unsure if your application will be accepted, please call us at (626) 798-1538 to discuss before submitting payment.
Solicitation of services or goods are not allowed.
More Information
One 6 foot table per exhibitor will be provided.
There are no electrical outlets available.
Bring signage so that your organization's name is clear and visible. No signage will be provided.
Please bring enough informational materials for 1,000 participants.
Detailed information and instructions for conference day will become available in April.