Volunteer Portal

On behalf of Adelante Youth Alliance, the AML Advisory Board, and the young girls who will benefit from your presentation, we thank you for making the commitment of your time and expertise to speak at the 26th annual Adelante Mujer Latina Conference.

Your Volunteer information

Conference day information

Volunteer Instructions

  1. Go to your Volunteer information page and confirm the information. All volunteer information must be confirmed by May 1, 2020.

  2. Go to Conference day information and review all information. Page will have check-in, parking, schedule etc.

  3. For any questions, changes, or concerns, please email adelante@adelanteya.org

Volunteer Resources

  • Volunteer Video Guide

  • Volunteer Tips

Saturday, May 2, 2020
8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Pasadena City College
1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, California 91106

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Sponsored by Adelante Youth Alliance, AML is a College and Career Conference for young women at Pasadena City College. Featured: Workshops presented by Latina professionals on education, careers, financial aid and personal development. Keynote Speakers representing California's influential Latinas Representatives from colleges, universities, community organizations, corporate and government employers.